Celebrities Who Fought Breast Cancer

Any disease can strike anybody and it stands true for breast cancer too. In past many well known celebrities were diagnosed with breast cancer, but the best part is that they fought it out bravely and eventually defeated the disease.

With the help of advancement in medical science and various other alternate therapies, it’s possible to treat this disease and get completely cured. In this article, we have covered five such celebrities who have gone through the trauma associated with breast cancer, finally recovered and set forth an excellent example before the world.

Kylie Minogue

Famous Australian actress and singer Kylie Minogue was found having breast cancer in year 2005. After a surgery that was preceded by chemotherapy sessions, she was able to defeat this disease successfully and came out as a winner in her war against cancer. Since then, she has been in forefront to spread awareness against breast cancer all over the world.

Angelina Jolie

Cancer is a disease that runs in genes. So, if your mother or father suffered from cancer at some point of time in life then it’s always better to get yourself regularly checked. That’s what Angelina Jolie did. Her mother died of breast cancer and her doctors confirmed that she has 87 percent chances of breast cancer. She didn’t lose hope and got double mastectomy done on her to ward off any chances of acquiring this dreaded disease. This was truly an intelligent step in her fight against cancer.


Sheryl Crow

The result of fight against cancer largely depends upon how early this gruesome disease is diagnosed. The same thing happened in Sheryl Crow’s case wherein she was diagnosed with early stage cancer in October 2006. Upon knowing her condition and the implications involved, she postponed all her tours and went in for several radiation sessions followed by alternate treatments, such as herbal teas and acupuncture. She gave a tough fight and came out as a winner.

Barbara Mori

Barbara Mori was detected with cancer when she was just 29 years old. Although she was lucky that the disease was still in early stages and she was able to fight it out bravely and got completely cured of it. Being a cancer survivor, she started working on creating awareness about this disease and also worked in a documentary titled “1-a-Minute” which focuses on issues related to cancer.


Christina Applegate

This celebrity who acted in shows like Up All Night and Jesse was detected with cancer in its early stages. She took proper medications and also underwent double mastectomy to get her completely cured.

Although breast cancer is a dreaded disease and can happen to anybody irrespective of age or the country one lives in, its treatment is possible. Courageous examples set by brave ladies as mentioned above prove it.

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